
Me and Firecracker just returning from the gallops

Point to point qualification day… this is Firecracker ridden by Owen Lewis and I am pleased to say that horse and rider qualified to take part – their first race is at Charing point to point in Kent on Feb 1412669764_10208711369610660_108356280_o

Cracked hoof repair

This was a crack in a hoof that went from the bottom of the hoof to the top of the coronary band; which was causing slight lameness. Left untreated this would lead to serious lameness and is not something that heals by itself.

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A full diagnosis enabled me to attach an aluminium plate (in this case it did not need gluing) to hold the two parts together so that the pressure was relieved from the coronary band so that it could heal.

Simple Shoeing

An everyday job but the heart of what I do… a simple shoeing. These pictures show the ‘before’ and ‘after’ of fitting shoes to a showjumper stallion.

On this occasion this horse needed its toe pulling back and a shoe with extra length because it needed the extra help and support to balance the foot giving less strain on the horses anatomy.

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